The club held its annual Lift the Lid Dinner on 31 October. The night was organised by Rotarian Bree Boag, with assistance from other members. We welcomed a number of guests to the meeting, some of whom had recently attended RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) with Bree.
On arrival, each person was given a small gift with a mental health theme attached. Each person read out their theme in turn.
The guest speaker for the evening was Matthew Trentin, a Member of the Australian Psychological Society (MAPS). He works at the Logan Hospital, and had met Bree at RYLA. The following slides are the basis of his talk about the need for early intervention for mental health issues, in order to minimise the risk that they will become much more difficult to manage as time goes on. We thank Matthew and his wife Anh for taking the time to travel across Brisbane to speak at our meeting.
AHPRA - Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.
CALD - Cultural and Linguistic Diversity.
CYMHS - Child and Youth Mental Health Service.
After Matt's talk President Stephen invited Roger Crawfoot to speak. Roger is a member of the Rotary Club of South Brisbane and is the District representative for Australian Rotary Health. He explained that children in the 0 to 12 age range are of concern to Australian Rotary Health, who is supporting research into that age group. He has recently taken part in a Lift the Lid walk, where around 80 walkers raised over $5,000 for the program.
Bree and Robyn Bushnell presented Roger with a cheque depicting our club's donation of $500 to Lift the Lid, as a result of the evening's meeting.
All attendees wore a hat to mark Lift the Lid. Because it was also Halloween, the style of hat was very optional, so great variety was evident.
Thanks again to all those who made the evening a great success.